2024 Law Day Meeting
The Illinois Chapter of American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) hosted its annual Law Day Luncheon earlier this month at the Union League Club.
The Hon. Joseph Panarese, Circuit Court of Cook County Associate Judge, served as Law Day speaker and addressed “Judicial Independence and Security Issues Facing Our Judiciary Today.” ABOTA Illinois chapter members, Illinois Appellate Court justices, Cook County Circuit Court judges, and local bar association presidents attended the luncheon.
Additionally, ABOTA Illinois was pleased to welcome ABOTA National President Andrea La’Verne Edney of Butler Snow, the first African American female president of ABOTA National.
ABOTA Illinois President Jill M. Webb of the Law Offices of Jill M. Webb and Membership Chair Sammi L. Renken of Johnson & Bell, Past President Timothy Tomasik of Tomasik Kotin Kasserman, and Past President William Rogers of Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP also spoke to attendees.
ABOTA dedicates itself to the preservation and promotion of the Seventh Amendment, which guarantees the right to civil jury trials. ABOTA also promotes the independence of the judiciary and professionalism among trial lawyers. Membership in this group of plaintiff and defense lawyers is by invitation only. Approximately 7,500 lawyers and judges are involved in ABOTA chapters in all 50 states.
ABOTA Illinois President Jill Webb of the Law Offices of Jill M. Webb presents ABOTA National President Andrea La’Verne Edney of Butler Snow with a custom Chicago Bulls jersey with the number 24 to commemorate serving as president in 2024.
ABOTA Illinois Past President Timothy Tomasik of Tomasik Kotin Kasserman and President Jill Webb of the Law Offices of Jill M. Webb presented Cook County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Panarese with a plaquein recognition of his dedication to the cause of judicial independence.